Our Team

Beau, Jasper & Willow

Nga Kuri means the dogs, in Maori. We love our dogs and love to give them the best life. The orchard is their place, and they rule it with an iron paw. At least that’s what the rabbits will tell you.

Jasper, Willow and Beau are vizsladors from the same litter, now 10 years old.


Whiskey was born on a Central Otago distillery, so it really was the only name for him. He suits it, with big dog attitude and a complete disregard for authority, he has a real personality. One you can’t help but love. He was the last left in the litter because every time someone came to look at the puppies this little schnauzer would run off to the pig sty!


Chile is now in retirement and living with Trent’s parents. She and her dad Charlie (below) are the OG’s of our dog addiction. Smart, cute and has attitude, this wee Schnoodle is the boss.


Brandy is the latest addition, a 2 year old labradoodle rehomed by us recently. Her name was Paris, but we couldn’t have a Whiskey without a Brandy, so she has been renamed. She has made herself firmly at home, and is a real princess.

Tammy Wilson

The face behind all things Nga Kuri Farm. You want to talk to the accounts person? That’s me. Website Designer? Here I am. General dogsbody on the orchard? Me too.

Mum of 2 boys and 5 dogs, I have a degree in Sport & Exercise, am a gym trainer, an AB technician, & love our holidays in Africa where I can’t get enough of watching elephants and big cats in the wild.

We pour our hearts and souls into this orchard, and are working to make it the destination of choice for your fruit addiction. We have huge plans for our piece of paradise and can’t wait to share it all with you.

A true labour of love, Nga Kuri Farm is where you can find me most days.

Trent Wilson

The brains behind the operation. Trent comes up with the ideas, and the ways (and money) to make them happen. He’s a dairy farmer, and a damn good one at that. His head for numbers and ability to think outside the box is why Nga Kuri Farm is now our life.

Always busy either on the farm, or in the orchard, he is terrible at sitting still for long, unless he’s fishing. Favourite place, in Africa trying to catch Tiger Fish in the Zambezi. Although his favourite animal is the honey badger. Their fearless attitude and tough skin is something he aspires to every day!

Watch this space to see what ideas he comes up with next!